Year 3 News

Welcome to Year 3!

- 3G Blaire Gove & 3R Gina Robinson -

- Support Staff: Emma Lewis (3G) and Mel Willicombe (3R), Jess Hale (PPA cover), Claire James (PPA cover)



We will have PE on Tuesday and Fridays. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit that day. After half term, children who don't have their PE kits will not be able to join in the lesson.


Looking for the Year 3 Curriculum Meeting presentation? Click below!

Year 3 Curriculum Meeting 2024-2025

Topics this half-term

English - George's Marvellous Medicine: character description, instructions, diary

                 Grammar skills: Capital letters and full stops, conjunctions, speech marks 

Maths - Numbers to 1000, 3-digit addition & subtraction, 3, 4 and 8 times tables 

Science - Healthy eating, types of skeletons, purposes of skeletons and muscles

History - How did the lives of Ancient Britons change during the Stone Age?

Computing - Online safety and computer networks

RE - Human & Social Science: How do people express commitment to a religion or worldview in different ways?

PE - Tag Rugby and gymnastics

Music - music and emotions, glockenspiels (possibly)

PSHE - Being me in my world 

Art - Stone Age cave art and the 'prehistoric palette'

Upcoming Dates

  • Stone Age Day (Y3 only) - come to school dressed as someone from the Stone Age! 
  • Half term – Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November
  • Inset Day - Monday 4th November
  • Parents Evenings - Tuesday 5th November and Thursday 7th November 



TTRockstars is a game to practice times tables. We have been learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables in school and this is a fun way to practice them while earning coins to accessorise their Rock Star personas!

To log in, follow the link above, enter the school name (Buckhurst Hill Community Primary School), then enter their username and password.