Year 5 News

 Welcome to Year 5!

Abi, Alison, Alex, Jo, Tina and Johnny
Welcome to Year 5
We hope you've all had a lovely summer and we're looking forward to welcoming all the children back to school.

For your information, children need to collected by the car entrance. 

PE will be on Monday and Thursdays, so could all children please come into school with the appropriate school uniform on that day. 



Homework will be given out on Thursdays and is due in on Tuesdays. 

This will include:

  • Maths 
  • Spellings 

We will also expect each child to read each day.


Term dates 

Curriculum Meeting





 Key Dates


Tuesday  3rd September 2024 - Children return to school

Monday 23rd September 2024 - Visitor in school for an Ancient Greece workshop.

Monday 4th October 2024 - INSET day

Thursday 10th October - National Portrait Gallery trip

Monday 31st March - Wednesday 2nd April - Year 5 residential trip. 


Please follow the below links to send us an email:

Mrs Astrabadi (

Mrs Rogers (